What is the program? – Renaissance is a culture and climate program used across the globe. It focus on 6 Rs: relationships, recognition, respect, reinforcement, rewards and results. At FTHS we use Renaissance as our way to reward, recognize and show respect for positive academic and character behaviors. We look for the good that our stakeholders are doing and we celebrate it.
What are the qualifications? – One way to be “on Renaissance” is through academic growth or achievement. Students who have a 3.0 or higher or who have made a 0.5 GPA improvement from one quarter to the next receive a Renaissance card that contains incentives that can be used on campus.
Incentives students receive for being on Renaissance – Juniors and Seniors may only leave campus for lunch if they are on Renaissance. To enter the lottery for a parking spot senior year, seniors must be on and maintain Renaissance status.
Other incentives include passes to athletics games, late passes and front of the line passes. These incentives change as the needs of the students and teachers do.
How are GPAs calculated? – Renaissance rewards students at the end of each 9 week quarter. Grades are term not cumulative. Grades are weighted which means that PA and honors classes are awarded an extra point for grades of C or better.
Grade in CP |
Grade in AP/Honors class |
GPA Point |
A |
5 |
A |
B |
4 |
B |
C |
3 |
C |
2 |
D |
D |
1 |