Incoming 9th Grade Information
For students who have already been accepted through the School of Choice Process:
Mark your calendars for next year:
- Following counselor visits to middle schools and email confirmations to non VUSD families, our next communication will come in a summer mailer.
- Students interested in playing sports for FTHS will indicate interest on the course registration google form (emailed after the 1/25 zoom meeting) and will receive communication based on their expressed interest. The Summer Sports/Incoming Athletes Meeting is on May 1, 2024 at 6:00pm.
- FTHS will send a summer mailer via USPS mail to families, with start of the year information, in early August.
- Freshman orientation/picture day will take place on Monday August 12th, 2024, from 9am to noon. At orientation, students will turn in papers from the summer mailer to receive their schedules, take school pictures and receive their school id, take a tour of the school, and participate in general orientation activities. The new parent meeting will take place that evening, at 6:30pm.
- The first day of the '24-'25 school year will be Wednesday, August 14th, 2024 from 8:30am-2:35pm
- There will be no make-up orientation day. If students miss it, they may take their picture for their school id on make up picture day, on August 19, turn in their summer mailer papers on the first day of school, and get their schedule from Q at 5pm on 8/13/24.
- Back to School Night will take place on September 19, 2024 at 6:00pm.