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 Email attendance to:

Foothill Technology High School

Foothill Technology High School staff and students work together to create an atmosphere of accountability and responsibility.  Every student will make choices that demonstrate the values of accountability and prompt, consistent attendance.  The FTHS policy is intended to promote attendance in class as the highest priority.

The primary responsibility of the student is to be in class to maximize their opportunities for success.  Excessive tardiness and absences have a direct correlation to poor student performance and are detrimental to the learning environment.  Parents/guardians, students, teachers and administrators all have shared responsibility to ensure that a quality education is priority.  The FTHS attendance policy is directed toward achieving that goal. 

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities and Information

  • Make sure your student is in school and on time.
  • When your student is absent from school you may:
  1. Write a note excusing your student’s absence or
  2. Call in your student’s absences to our 24 hour phone line at 289-0023 ext. 1002  OR
  3. E-mail your student’s excuse to
  • When excusing your students absence, be sure to include their full name, your name and relationship to the student, grade, dates of absence(s), and the reason why they were absent.  
  • Parents/Guardians may review their student’s attendance online. 
  • Q Parent Connection passwords may be obtained from the school district’s website by clicking on the Parents tab.

Attendance Matters