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counseling staff 2023

Welcome to Foothill Technology High School

Happening Now:

Saturday, Dec. 7: Winter Formal - tickets on sale in the student store until Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 1pm. 

Finals Week:

Monday, Dec. 16 - regular Monday schedule

Tuesday, Dec. 17 - Special Schedule: Periods 1 - 6, 7th period Final 1:30 - 3:30pm

Wednesday, Dec. 18 - Period 1 Final 8:30am to 10:30am, Period 2 Final 10:55am to 12:55pm

Thursday, Dec. 19 - Period 3 Final 8:30am to 10:30am, Period 4 Final 10:55am to 12:55pm

Friday, Dec. 20 - Period 5 Final 8:30am to 10:30am, Period 6 Final 10:55am to 12:55pm


Monday, Dec. 23 - Monday, Jan. 6: Winter Break - No School


School News